Yes folks, it's true - my daughter has turned 13. I am officially the mother of a teenager. Puberty. Boys. Driving. Not neccessarily in that order, heaven help me. I am very grateful that my daughter is a great kid. She is kind, caring, gets good grades, and is generally helpful. Although I have to "remind" her quite a bit about stuff around the house! But she's not rude, disrespectful, into drugs or drinking (nor are her friends) so I know I have a lot to be grateful for.
She had a sleepover party last night. We had five 12- to 13-year old girls here. I never knew girls could make sounds like that. The squealing, squeeking, and screaming that went on is amazing. I told her she doesn't get another party like this for several years! Here is the evidence:
I will be so ready for bed tonight. They were up until at least 1:30 am. That was when I went out and growled at them to be quiet so I could get to sleep. I guess they were quiet for a bit, because I did fall asleep. However, I heard stories of makeup painted on faces while sleeping, etc., all happening around 3am. I guess I am a deep sleeper! They didn't wake me up with their fun.
As far as knitting goes, I have nothing to show. I've been extremely busy at work, as well as getting ready for this party, which hasn't left much free time. I'm just starting the toe decrease on the sock I was working on in my last two posts! I doubt I'll do anything tonight. Hopfully during the week!